STOCK CODE: 871946
Nov 16 2016

Informatization of goods in the same customs area

Shenzhen Commercial Daily on November 11 Recently, with the transfer of information from Shenzhen JD International Logistics Co., Ltd., the cargo transfer station (hereinafter referred to as the "turnover station&qu

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Nov 16 2016

Shenzhen's cross-border e-commerce exports grew 2.5 times in the first 10 months

Shenzhen Evening News November 11 The latest data released by Shenzhen Customs shows that since this year, Shenzhen's cross-border e-commerce has shown a booming trend. In the first 10 months of 2016, Shenzhen Custom

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Nov 07 2016

Ship market recovers, Chinese shipyards rush to catch 26 orders

Guide: 12 product oil tankers plus 10 chemical tankers, a total of nearly 1 billion US dollars. 12 product oil tankers plus 10 chemical tankers, the total amount is nearly 1 billion US dollars. Just in the past few days

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Nov 07 2016

Out-of-stock dumps are fermenting

Guide: Qingdao's freight forwarding reflects the shortage of small boxes at many shipping companies in the area, which cannot meet the needs of cargo owners! The market is turbulent again! The situation of stockpile

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Oct 31 2016

Yantian District's "two sessions" closes

In the afternoon of October 20, with the closing of the first session of the Fifth National People's Congress of Yantian District, the "two sessions" of Yantian District officially ended. The conference rev

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