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Chinese shipping company launches new Northwest-Mediterranean route

May 31 2017

Guide: COSCO Shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd. (COSCO SHIPPING) held the inaugural ceremony of the Northwest-Mediterranean route in Istanbul, Turkey, marking the first time that Chinese shipping companies have provided direct services in the region.
COSCO Shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd. (COSCO SHIPPING Container Line) held the inaugural ceremony of the Northwest-Mediterranean route in Istanbul, Turkey on the 9th, marking the first time that a Chinese shipping company has provided direct services in the region.

According to the introduction, the new route will connect COSCO SHIPPING's own branch lines in Northwest Europe and the Mediterranean region, including the company's investment in Istanbul's Kumpot terminal, Greece's Piraeus port and Belgium's Antwerp port. The new route will comprehensively connect the main ports in Northwest Europe and the Adriatic Sea, the Black Sea, and the ports in the eastern Mediterranean. It will also provide a new route for Mediterranean exports to the United States through the port of Salerno, Italy.

 Tian Dong, vice president of COSCO SHIPPING (Europe) Co., Ltd., said at the inaugural ceremony that the opening of the new route is a "milestone" for COSCO SHIPPING. He introduced that in the past two years, the company's European regional trade business volume has increased by 70% each year, and it currently provides a total of 12 regional route services in Northwest Europe and the Mediterranean region.

 Huang Songfeng, Commercial Consul of the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Istanbul, pointed out that the opening of the new route will further create better conditions for the development of the markets of the countries along the “Belt and Road”, and will also help bring into play the advantages of radiation in Istanbul and Turkey.shipping container shipping cost

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