STOCK CODE: 871946
Jul 25 2017

China's port rankings revealed in first half of 2017

On July 12, 2017, the Ministry of Transport announced the production data of China's ports above designated size in June 2017. Data show that in the first half of 2017, the cargo throughput of ports above designated

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Jul 25 2017

"Belt and Road" development strategy for shipping companies

China's "Belt and Road" initiative is a new exploration of global international cooperation and a new model of global governance, and it has great significance. In addition, the “Belt and Road&rdqu

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Jul 19 2017

Shenzhen Customs integrates national customs integration

Nanfang Daily, July 4th. From July 1, the integration of customs clearance has been implemented nationwide, and enterprises can complete customs procedures such as declaration and tax payment at any customs. At 8:30 a.m.

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Jul 17 2017

Notification of renewal of partial surcharge reduction during Maersk system failure

1. Detention fees for import and export (DnD) East China / North China import and export cargo detention charges * The time of occurrence is not included in the period from June 27 to July 9 (including two days inclus

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Jul 13 2017

China accounted for 7 of the world's top 10 container ports this year

Chinese Academy of Sciences report: China tops the world's top 10 container ports this year   The 2017 Global Top20 Container Port Forecast Report released by the World Port Forecasting Research Group of the C

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