STOCK CODE: 871946

Mistakes in customs declaration for import and export goods can be "released before modification"(China shipping)

Sep 22 2017

The declaration of the export goods was wrong. I thought that the delivery would be delayed. I didn't expect Shenzhen Customs to release it in advance to catch up with the scheduled shipping time. Manager Liu of Shuangfeng County Rongcheng Shoes Co., Ltd. in Hunan Province was relieved. Shenzhen Customs revealed yesterday that Shenzhen Customs, which is a subsidiary of Dapeng Customs, implemented a follow-up inspection and subsequent disposal of “first release and then change,” allowing regular and legally operated enterprises to quickly resolve minor reporting errors and reduce institutional costs. This is one of the reform and innovation measures introduced by Shenzhen Customs in customs clearance this year.(China shipping)

    Not long ago, when Hunan Shuangfeng County Rongcheng Footwear Co., Ltd. declared the export goods to the customs, it was careless to report the names of the two batches of goods. . Manager Liu said that the shoe factory is doing foreign brand processing business, and the shipping schedule and delivery deadline are all dead. If you ca n’t go by sea, you have to go by air, but the air freight is too much pressure on the company and it is likely to decrease. Factory profit for several months. If there is a problem with the declaration form, it will take one week to process it according to the normal procedures.

    "I was so anxious that I didn't sleep all night, so I decided to go to Shenzhen Customs in the early morning to be a dead horse." Manager Liu rushed from Hunan to Shenzhen the next day and submitted information at the Dapeng Customs business window. Unexpectedly smooth. After reviewing the data, Dapeng Customs will immediately arrange manpower in accordance with the new pilot inspection and follow-up measures of "release first and then change", and complete all the processes on the day of overtime, and release the goods on that day, which has caught up with the schedule. "Shenzhen Customs' reform measures for the sake of enterprises will at least restore the company's loss of 500,000 yuan."

    The Shenzhen Customs's customs declaration form is “released first, then modified later”, changing the practice of having to wait for the declaration form to be revised before the declaration is modified before handling the goods. Goods that are found to be abnormal but fail to meet the filing standards and are only modified for customs declaration can be released first, breaking the time limit caused by cumbersome business procedures, and being released on the same day. As a matter of fact, Shenzhen Customs has realized the “complexity and simplicity” of the customs clearance process by optimizing the system design and increasing the application of science and technology equipment, which is to allow formal and legally operated enterprises to enjoy the convenience of customs clearance and reduce operating costs. (Shen Zhiyi Shenzhen Special Zone News)

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