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Zhuhai-Taiwan container liner opens

Jun 26 2017

Read: Yesterday, the inaugural ceremony of the Zhuhai-Taiwan container liner route was held at the forefront of berth 3 of Zhuhai International Container Terminal (Gaolan) Co., Ltd.
Reporter Zhong Xia
Yesterday, the inaugural ceremony of the Zhuhai-Taiwan container liner route was held at the forefront of berth 3 of Zhuhai International Container Terminal (Gaolan) Co., Ltd. The opening of the route provides a new and convenient logistics channel for the economic and trade exchanges between Zhuhai, Zhuxi, and the Xijiang River Basin and Taiwan.china freight company

In recent years, Zhuhai Port Group has focused on connecting the Xijiang River Basin, along the railway, Hong Kong and Macao, Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, South Asia, the South Pacific, South America, and the coastal areas of the country, and deepened its cooperation with ports such as COSCO Shipping, Zhonggu Shipping, and Guangzhou Railway Group. Cooperate with railway enterprises to accelerate the construction of a logistics network with Zhuhai Port as the core fulcrum, further expand the port's hinterland, further expand the reach of Zhuhai Port, and continuously improve the regional influence and international competitiveness of the port hub. China United Shipping Co., Ltd. is a well-known domestic shipping company engaged in direct container liner shipping across the Taiwan Strait. This time, Zhuhai Port Group and Zhuhai Port Group jointly launched the first container liner service from Zhuhai to Taiwan. It provides new channels for the economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between the Pearl River Estuary and other areas and Taiwan, and serves the economic and social integration and development of the two sides. The route is operated on a weekly basis and is operated by a ship with a capacity of 599 TEUs. The main port of call is Kaohsiung-Taichung-Gaolan-Humen-Huangpu-Kaohsiung. Gaolan Port is the first port in Taiwan to South China. .

It is understood that at present, Zhuhai Port Group has opened 20 barge express lines covering major ports and cities in the Xijiang River Basin, 5 multimodal transport logistics channels leading to Qingyuan, Shaoguan, Hengyang, Yunnan and other coastal areas, and 54 coastal areas across the country. , Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, South Pacific, and Hong Kong and Macao major container liner routes. This year, the group has successively opened container liner routes for Gaolan—Qinzhou, Gaolan—South Pacific, Gaolan—Quanzhou, Gaolan—Xiamen, Gaolan—Haiphong, and initially formed a logistics network system with Zhuhai Port as an important distribution center. . Ou Huisheng, Chairman of Zhuhai Port Group, stated that it will promote the opening of more routes along the maritime silk roads in Southeast Asia, South Asia, the South Pacific, and South America, encrypt the logistics channel network of Zhuhai Port, and continuously increase its international influence. Economic development provides important support.

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