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Three major reasons to reduce the waste of Dameisha a lot

Oct 17 2015

Dameisha is a popular tourist attraction in Shenzhen. On long holidays, the beaches are crowded with tourists first, and then garbage. This year's National Day holiday has changed a lot. Yesterday, Zhu Ziming, deputy director of Dameisha Park Management Office, revealed to reporters the garbage disposal data for the first three days of this year ’s National Day. From October 1st to 3rd this year, Dameisha ’s garbage disposal was 62 tons, 87 tons, 76 Tons, and last year's data were 105 tons, 122 tons, 91 tons respectively. This year, the average daily waste reduction is about 30%, and the number of tourists has not changed shipping from china
Twenty-three reasons to help reduce garbage during Dameisha's long vacation
Zhu Ziming believes that there are three reasons for the reduction of garbage during the Dameisha holiday. First, Shenzhen this year vigorously promoted the action of "the garbage does not land, and Shenzhen is more beautiful." This has strengthened tourists' awareness of environmental protection and improved the quality of civilization. This year, the Urban Management Bureau has set up 300 signs in Dameisha, indicating signs of behavior, etc., to guide tourists to "garbage does not land". Secondly, tourists were prohibited from bringing straw mats to the beach last year. Most tourists now bring their own mats. There is also the use of fixed-point collection for large garbage such as coconut shells. There is also a fixed-point collection for large volumes of garbage such as coconut shells.
During the National Day holiday, Typhoon Rainbow came unexpectedly. Its patronage caused Dameisha Beach Park to close the beach at noon on the 3rd and completely closed on the 4th. The waves rolled over the shallow sea and the garbage from the nearby waters washed onto the beach. On the 4th, various organizations including volunteers, cleaners, staff, law enforcement officers, and party member volunteers participated in the "No Garbage on the Ground, Shenzhen is More Beautiful" holiday to organize wind and rain to clean up the garbage and float caused by wind and waves on the beach. A total of more than 40 tons of goods.
 Promote "garbage not landing" action for 3 consecutive years
Since the “Trash Does Not Fall to the Ground, Shenzhen is More Beautiful” campaign has been promoted throughout the city, it has received a positive response from the general public. He Tao, deputy director of the City Appearance Management Department of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau, told reporters that the “No Garbage Falling, Shenzhen is More Beautiful” action will be continuously promoted in the three years of today, tomorrow and the next year to comprehensively improve citizens' environmental awareness and civilization . This year's Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, volunteers, staff of government agencies and institutions even sacrifice holiday time, carried out related publicity activities in the central book city, Dameisha, Lianhuashan and other places, and took the initiative to directly participate in supervision, clear beach, clean Come to the mountain activities and set an example for environmental protection. Not only Dameisha, many scenic spots have set up publicity signs and even broadcast voice prompts to remind citizens and tourists to "trash not fall".

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