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The situation of the container industry in the second half is not optimistic

Aug 29 2015

With the increase of new ship delivery and rising costs, the profit prospects of container liner companies for the rest of the year are very worrying, because by the end of the year, at least 100,000 TEUs / month of additional capacity will be added to the world fleet, which will seriously affect the supply and demand balance .
Many people in the industry are not optimistic about the trend of the container shipping market in the second half of the year. In addition to the continued investment in new large vessels, which will make the capacity even more serious, there are three other factors that make it difficult for the container shipping market to effectively recover in a short time:
1. The bottom of the freight rate appears, there is doubt about when it will rise and the adjustment range;send packet to china
2. Small and medium-sized container shipping companies continue to be merged and acquired;
3. Major adjustments have been made to the South American routes.

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