STOCK CODE: 871946

The port of Gothenburg, Sweden has been closed. This shipping company will not receive cargo from this port!

May 25 2017

Guide: The port strike in Gothenburg, Sweden, has intensified, which has directly led to the port being closed. Recently, OOCL OOCL issued an emergency notice and will stop receiving goods from this port.

The strike in Gothenburg, Sweden, has intensified, which has directly led to the closure of the port. Recently, OOCL OOCL issued an emergency notice and will stop receiving goods from this port.Supply Chain in China

Next, more shipping companies may issue similar notices. Foreign trade and freight forwarding companies exporting to the port of Gothenburg, Sweden, please pay attention!


  It is reported that on May 10, due to the failure of the labor and management negotiations in Gothenburg, Sweden, the conflict between the APM terminal operator and the dock workers in the port of Gothenburg, Sweden, became more and more serious, and the dock workers began to strike at different times!

In a press release issued to customers by APM code, "Dock workers may go on strike from May 19 to June 30 this year, and some operations at the dock will be suspended."

Henrik Kristensen, CEO of APM Terminals, said: "In the past year, we have made every effort to resolve the conflict with the dock workers union, and we are also working hard to fulfill our obligations to customers." "But the situation continues The situation has deteriorated. In order to ensure the operation of the terminal, APM Terminal is developing some protective measures in response to a series of industrial operations that may come. "

Swedish dock workers oppose the use of hourly workers outside APM terminals.

According to APM managers, a series of strikes has reduced the terminal's cargo volume by 20% in the past six months, which is equivalent to a weekly reduction of 2000TEU. APM executives said: "Under normal circumstances, the terminal handles up to 10,000 containers per week, which accounts for 50% of the entire Swedish export and import containers."

Relevant sources said that if the problem is not resolved as soon as possible, the port of Gothenburg will risk losing the status of a Nordic transportation hub port, and some shipping companies may no longer call at the port of Gothenburg, which will have a profound impact on Swedish manufacturing.

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