STOCK CODE: 871946

Shenzhen Customs integrates national customs integration

Jul 19 2017

Nanfang Daily, July 4th. From July 1, the integration of customs clearance has been implemented nationwide, and enterprises can complete customs procedures such as declaration and tax payment at any customs. At 8:30 a.m. on the same day, Shenzhen Dewanda International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. declared that the imported copper wire was cleared from Huanggang Customs. With the Shenzhen Customs formally integrated into the large territory of national customs integration.
        Since the import of the national customs integration reform has been fully covered, all operations of Shenzhen Customs have been running smoothly. On the first day of operation, Shenzhen Customs accepted customs declarations of 2,726, all of which were customs declarations in the integrated customs mode.
        It is understood that after the implementation of the integration of customs clearance, the national customs established a risk prevention and control center and a tax collection and management center to achieve the centralized, unified, and intelligent disposal of key business such as national customs risk prevention and control and tax collection and management.
        During customs clearance, the national customs will implement "one-time declaration and step-by-step processing". The enterprise declares once when the goods are cleared, and the customs disposes them step by step before and after the goods are released. With regard to tax collection and management methods, the past customs inspections have determined the elements of corporate tax declarations, and approved the tax payable by enterprises, and transformed them into self-declared tax elements, calculated and paid taxes themselves, and released the goods after customs acceptance. .
        By the end of this year, all customs operations at the customs site can be handled through a window as a bank outlet.Shipping tracking

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