STOCK CODE: 871946

Shenzhen Commissioner's Office: Establishing a linkage mechanism for revenue supervision with Shenzhen Customs

Apr 10 2017

Guide: In order to further strengthen the collection and management of central budget revenue and improve the effectiveness of supervision, the Shenzhen Commissioner's Office has recently strengthened coordination and communication with the Shenzhen Customs, established a linkage mechanism for revenue supervision, formed a supervisory force, and gave full play to the role of the Commissioner's local supervision.
In order to further strengthen the collection and management of central budget revenue and improve the effectiveness of supervision, the Shenzhen Commissioner's Office has recently strengthened coordination and communication with the Shenzhen Customs, established a linkage mechanism for revenue supervision, formed a regulatory synergy, and gave full play to the role of the Commissioner's local supervision.sea freight from china

The first is to communicate key tasks and clarify their respective responsibilities. The Shenzhen Commissioner's Office has a separate business with the Shenzhen Customs Customs Office, focusing on matters such as the import tax being returned first, the customs penalty payment and approval of the central revenue refund, the acceptance of bonded logistics centers (type B), and the supervision of port entry duty-free shops. The finance department, processing trade supervision department, and postal supervision department and other departments held exchange discussions, each clarifying the functions of the department, introducing the supervision content and recent work, clarifying the division of responsibilities and work procedures of each department, and strengthening the main responsibility of the competent department.

The second is to sort out key links and standardize business processes. Based on the current regulations and policies, sort out item by item the import tax rebate, return of customs penalties, and central income refunds, bonded logistics center (type B) acceptance, key control links, risk points, and reporting The abnormality of submission of audit data is prone to further emphasize the awareness of rules and regulations, standardize business processes, work together on prevention and control measures, consolidate the foundation of audit supervision, and promote the routine, institutionalization, and procedure of daily supervision.

The third is to establish a linkage mechanism to strengthen information exchange. The Shenzhen Commissioner's Office and Shenzhen Customs established a smooth communication and communication mechanism, expanded channels for the exchange and sharing of supervisory information, and appointed a special person to be in charge of contacting the Shenzhen Customs counterpart business office in a timely manner through various methods such as document copying, situation notification and telephone communication The basic information such as relevant systems and daily supervision trends will be transmitted to form a joint force for central budget revenue supervision.

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