STOCK CODE: 871946

Notification of renewal of partial surcharge reduction during Maersk system failure

Jul 17 2017

1. Detention fees for import and export (DnD)

East China / North China import and export cargo detention charges * The time of occurrence is not included in the period from June 27 to July 9 (including two days inclusive). Time is not counted if it covers the period from June 27 to July 9 (both inclusive).

* Remarks: The demurrage charges for import and export goods in East China / North China are directly settled by the customer and the terminal. Please contact local customer service, we will deal with it at our discretion.china shipping prices

2. Some additional costs

Shipping Document Amendment Fee (AME / AMI)
Manual Booking Fee (MBF)
Manual Forming Fee (MDF)
Renewal or off-site signing fee (BLF)
Freight Forwarding Bill Fee (HBL)
Order exchange fee (SWC)
Radio Charge (TLE / TLI)
-Customers who apply from June 27 to July 12 (both dates inclusive) will not be charged.

Late payment fee (LPF)
-Where the overdue payment date of the customer involves June 27 to July 12 (both dates inclusive), this time period will be deducted from the total number of days overdue for the fee and will not be calculated.

Late Entry Fee (LGE)
-For mother ships loaded on Proforma ETD from June 27 to July 12 (both dates inclusive), no late charge will be charged if there is a late arrival service.

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