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Integrated development to build inland logistics channels

Sep 03 2021

Recently, a full load of 600 tons of PVC caravans from Shaanxi entered the "Jiaozhou Central Storage Logistics". After the completion of the "distribution to assembly" operation, it was sent to Qingdao Port via the Jiaohuang train for export, marking the new achievement of integrated development.
It is understood that Jiaozhou Dry Port aims at the intersecting hinterland inland market. On the one hand, it promotes the advantages of sea-rail combined transportation in logistics transportation, and on the other hand, it customizes a package of "sea-rail combined transportation + railway agency + warehousing + bulk conversion" for customers. Provide customers with full-process logistics nanny-style services, successfully soliciting goods to Qingdao Port for shipment. Up to now, a total of 38,530 tons of PVC bulk and reassembled goods have been operated, opening up new logistics channels for inland customers.
In the future, the company will continue to enlarge the advantages of sea-rail combined transportation, build more convenient sea passages for customers in inland areas, and gather the powerful force of "thinking in one heart and moving toward each other" to contribute to the integration and development of the port.
inland logistics

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