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Global companies are more optimistic about trade prospects(China ocean shipping)

Mar 22 2018

The latest trade outlook survey released by HSBC on the 21st shows that globally, the negative impact of rising protectionism is worrying companies, but overall, the improvement of the economic environment, the growth of consumer demand and the prosperity of technological innovation remain. So that companies remain optimistic about the business outlook. The economic and trade policies of major economies have attracted widespread attention from global companies. Among them, China ’s “Belt and Road” initiative has the highest recognition.(China ocean shipping)

The survey covered more than 6,000 international companies in 26 markets. According to statistics from this survey, among the major economies such as ASEAN, the European Union, the Middle East, Latin America and China, the United Kingdom, and the United States, the positive impact of the policy environment or economic and trade propositions on enterprises in the next two years is ranked as “the Belt and Road Initiative”. The initiative tops the list and is recognized by 40% of the companies surveyed worldwide, followed by about 37% of the ASEAN Master Plan for 2025 and about 35% of EU policy.

According to specific market segmentation, Chinese mainland companies naturally have the highest recognition of the “Belt and Road” in the world. Nearly 80% (77%) of the respondents believe that they can expand new business by participating in the initiative in the next two years. Followed by ASEAN countries with Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore as their main representatives, the acceptance rate is basically around 60%. Middle East and North Africa companies are followed, followed by Egypt (45%), Saudi Arabia (40%), and the United Arab Emirates (29%).

From the perspective of developed markets, European companies mainly represented by Germany, the United Kingdom, and France have basically recognized 30% of the Belt and Road Initiative. In the North American market, the recognition is Mexico (36%), the United States (28%) and Canada (23%).

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