STOCK CODE: 871946

Filling in customs declaration forms for import and export goods

Apr 08 2016

Guide: Yesterday, the General Administration of Customs' "Announcement on Amending the" Publication Rules for the Customs Declaration of Import and Export Goods of the People's Republic of China "" was formally implemented.
Reporter Liu Qian, correspondent Ye Huali

Yesterday, the General Administration of Customs' "Announcement on Amending the" Regulations on the Formulation of Customs Declaration Forms for Import and Export Goods of the People's Republic of China "" was formally implemented.

According to the introduction of Quanzhou Customs, compared with the past, this revision of the filling specifications mainly adjusts the three fields of the current declaration form: First, the text of some fields has been adjusted to make the adjusted filling columns relevant to the current situation. The legal expressions are consistent, such as changing the original "operating unit" to "consignee and consignor" and the original "receiving unit" to "consumer-using unit"; the second is to delete some reporting indicators, such as deleting the "foreign exchange settlement certificate" No./Approval No. ”,“ Customer's Contact Information ”and other declaration indicators that have lost their legal basis or have no regulatory significance. The third is to add customs declaration fields, such as“ Special Relationship Confirmation ”,“ Price Impact Confirmation ” "," Payment of the use of concessions, "and other previous supplementary declarations have been shipping from china

At the same time, the newly revised specification adjusted the upper limit of the commodity item indicator group from 20 to 50, which not only solved the problem of logistics document splitting caused by the limit of the number of commodity items, but also reduced the number of dozens to hundreds of items. The small amount of customs clearance for Taiwan ’s small trade goods will more than double the customs declaration costs, which will bring new benefits to the enterprise.

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