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Cross-border e-commerce exports nearly 100 million yuan in the first quarter

May 07 2016

Guangzhou Daily, April 28, reporter learned from Shenzhen Customs yesterday that in 2016, the customs will continue to promote nine customs supervision system innovations in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, focusing on improving the efficiency of customs clearance of enterprises, promoting the development of emerging formats, and building an international port. Area. Among them, warehousing cargo classified by status, cross-border e-commerce reform and other projects will become the "new highland" of future innovative measures.Logistics provider in China

According to Shenzhen Customs statistics, in the first quarter of this year, the cross-border e-commerce export value of the Qianhai Shekou area of ​​the Guangdong Free Trade Zone has reached 98.849 million yuan, which is close to half of the cross-border e-commerce export value of the FTA last year.

According to reports, Shenzhen Customs combined with the Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Zone Management Committee, China Merchants Group and other sectors, in 2016 will continue to promote nine innovations in the customs supervision system: actively promote the implementation of warehousing cargo classification by status in Qianhai Bonded Port Area , Allow non-bonded goods to be stored in special customs supervision areas, participate in pooling and distribution together with bonded goods, and finally determine the actual departure of goods for export or return to domestic areas based on domestic and foreign purchase orders. Further use of special customs supervision areas to connect international and domestic The role of the two markets and coordinating the two resources can reduce the operating costs of enterprises and improve the efficiency of customs clearance.

In terms of cross-border e-commerce, the customs will implement the “advanced zone, post-customs declaration” reform of the cross-border e-commerce bonded import model.

Other new measures include promoting the implementation of the “three mutual” pilots in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, promoting mutual recognition of supervision, mutual assistance in law enforcement, and information exchange between customs and other law enforcement units at the port. Strongly support the pilot construction of the "single window" of international trade in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, and realize the information sharing and sharing between the joint inspection departments as soon as possible. The customs will also promote the parallel import bonded display and trading system of automobiles, and promote the development of the parallel import industry of automobiles. Explore the customs supervision measures for the establishment of bonded warehouses for precious metal spot transactions and support the establishment of bonded warehouses and industrial development bases for precious metals in Qianhai. Promote the construction of the home port of Prince Bay Cruises. Implement the international transit self-service customs clearance model, realize the paperless declaration of international transit goods, the system automatically reviews and releases, and self-service customs clearance 24 hours a day. (Liu Xiaoxin, Wang Shaowen)

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