STOCK CODE: 871946

Mandatory weighing of cargo containers from July

Jun 18 2016

Guide: In order to prevent the ship from being damaged, broken or sunk due to overweight of the container or improper stowage of the ship, from July 1, this year, the cargo container will be compulsorily weighed before delivery to the ship for preparation of the ship stowage plan It is not allowed to arrange shipment for cargo containers that do not provide weight verification information as required.China ocean shipping
News from the Ministry of Transport, in order to prevent damage, breakage or sinking of ships due to overweight containers or improper stowage of ships, as of July 1, this year, cargo containers will be compulsorily weighed before delivery to the ship for transportation. It is used when preparing the stowage plan of the ship; it is not allowed to arrange the loading of cargo containers that do not provide weight verification information as required.

This requirement is based on the amendment to Article VI / 2 of the 1974 International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea (hereinafter referred to as the "Amendment") adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization in 2015. The amendment will come into force on July 1, 2016. China is a party to the aforementioned conventions, and this amendment is mandatory for our country.

According to the amendment, two methods can be used for the verification of the weight of a cargo container, namely, overall weighing or cumulative calculation. The error range between the verified weight provided by the shipper and the verified weight of the container obtained by the maritime administration, the carrier, the carrier or the terminal operator shall not exceed ± 5% or 1 ton, whichever is the lesser, and the weight does not exceed Exceeding the maximum approved carrying capacity of the container. Maritime administrations at all levels will conduct spot checks on the weight verification of cargo containers carried by ships.

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