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Yantian District's "two sessions" closes

Oct 31 2016

In the afternoon of October 20, with the closing of the first session of the Fifth National People's Congress of Yantian District, the "two sessions" of Yantian District officially ended. The conference reviewed the main work of Yantian in the past five years, and made a comprehensive deployment of the work tasks of the entire region in the next five years. If you want to know what "livelihood packages" the Yantian people will bring to the Yantian people in the next five years, please listen to the breakdown below.

Expected indicators achieved:

"Three increase"

The region's GDP reached 72 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 8.5%

Public finance budget revenue reaches 4.5 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 8.5%shipping from china to uk

Total retail sales of consumer goods reached 9.095 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 8.0%

"Three Super"

The total investment in fixed assets of the whole society has exceeded 55 billion yuan

The tertiary industry's added value accounts for more than 85% of GDP

The value added of strategic emerging industries accounts for more than 18% of GDP.

Restrictive indicator realization

"One increase"

The per capita disposable income of residents reached 66,000 yuan, which was basically synchronized with the rate of economic growth.

"Four Controls"

The registered unemployment rate of household registration residents is controlled within 3%, the average PM2.5 concentration is controlled within 25 micrograms per cubic meter, the energy consumption per 10,000 yuan of GDP is controlled within 0.24 tons of standard coal, and the water consumption per 10,000 yuan of GDP is controlled within 6.0 cubic meters.

Citizens can experience the unique seaside corridor

In the next five years, Yantian District will comprehensively improve the tourism infrastructure, build a seaside corridor with a unique coastal style, complete the overall environmental improvement project of Zhongying Street, Dameisha Beach Park and Shatoujiao Port Reconstruction Project, and construct and operate Meisha tourism Public docks will enrich the eastern marine tourism routes, strengthen the connection of major tourist attractions with the surrounding rail transit, buses and greenery stations, and form a supporting environment that meets the needs of tourism development in the region. Create a Zhongying Street business and tourism area, polish the Yantian Seafood Street brand, and strive to build a number of characteristic tourist towns.

100 100% supply of social housing for families with family registration difficulties

More than 8,700 new basic education degrees

In the next five years, Yantian will complete the construction of affordable housing to ensure 100% supply of affordable housing for families with household registration difficulties in the area. A number of schools including Yangang Kindergarten, Haixi Elementary School, Shanhai Elementary School, Yunhai School were completed and completed, and campus reconstruction and expansion projects such as Tianxin Elementary School and Haitao Elementary School were completed, and more than 8,700 basic education degrees were added. Teacher growth creates a good environment, builds 1-2 compulsory education schools comparable to first-class city-level schools, and improves the overall informationization, internationalization, and modernization of education.

Promote the upgrading and upgrading of public medical institutions

Medical Comprehensive Building of People's Hospital of Jianshe District

In the next five years, Yantian will further promote the upgrading and upgrading of public medical institutions, build a new medical complex for the People's Hospital in the district, continue to implement the "three" project, support the landing and operation of international high-end medical projects, strengthen the training of public hospitals, and improve the quality of public hospitals. Health Center's technical service level, actively promote the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, build the district people's hospital into a three-level general hospital, create a high-quality medical and health and population and family planning service system, to protect the people's health in an all-round and full cycle.

Multiple old residential areas will be renovated

    In the next five years, Yantian will complete the construction of major projects such as the second phase of One Sea City, accelerate the renewal and transformation of cities such as Shajingtou Village, Dongshun Post Office, and Pacific Industrial Park, and complete the construction of projects in the 18th district and the north side of the tunnel entrance. The functional layout is based on the service industry and pillars of commerce, commerce, trade, finance, and headquarters economy. Drawing on the advanced experience of coordinated development of the International Port City, speed up the construction of the overall relocation project of the three villages, four villages, and Xishan village of Yantian, start the renovation and transformation of cities such as Maliuyu Industrial Zone, Jindouling Industrial Zone, and Yangmei New Village, and form Yantian Port as the support , The port hub, high-end logistics, business services, and other modern service industry clusters, making Yantian area a port, industry, and urban integration of the landmark city.

Xiaomeisha will be built into the world-class Gold Coast

    In the next five years, Yantian District will actively promote the overall transformation of Xiaomeisha area in accordance with the international high-end tourist resort standards, complete the construction of Chengkeng Village, Shangping Village and other projects, accelerate the process of internationalized blocks, and improve the overall quality of the coastline. Shapian District has become a world-class Gold Coast that combines high-end tourism, sports and leisure, fashion and entertainment. Leading high-level planning and construction with international advanced concepts, promoting the organic combination of the characteristic genes of Binhai City with modern and international elements, building a batch of first-class model projects, and realizing a comprehensive leap in urban functions, environmental quality and living quality.

The boutique space realizes “one street, one scene, changing scenes”

In the next five years, Yantian will, based on the standard of not falling behind for 100 years, co-ordinate the planning and construction of comprehensive corridors, vigorously promote the renovation and upgrade of municipal facilities such as water supply, power supply, and gas supply, complete the gas-to-household project, and take the lead in achieving direct drinking water in-house in the city. The coverage rate of drainage-competent communities and the centralized sewage treatment rate continued to lead the city. Optimize the sanitation environment in urban areas, achieve full coverage of waste reduction and classification, and maintain a steady decline in the amount of waste incineration. Push forward the integration and development of Jingcheng, combined with the "Fun City Plan", transform and enhance the night scene of lights and the characteristic street trees, forming a boutique space of "one street, one scene, changing scenes".

五年 Yantian Port realizes five-year change in land area

In the next five years, Yantian District will unswervingly and continuously reduce the environmental and traffic management of the land behind Yantian Port, promote the effective treatment of pollution sources such as dust, noise, and vehicle exhaust, improve public services and supporting facilities, and strive to achieve five Years changed.

Dameisha Beach Park will charge for peaks

In the next five years, Yantian will accelerate the comprehensive renovation of Dameisha Beach Park, push for peak-to-peak charge management based on limited time and limit, implement intelligent traffic guidance in Meisha area, and actively promote the eastward shift of Yanba Expressway toll station to further alleviate Area traffic pressure.

Push the window to see the green, go out into the garden, the four seasons bloom

In the next five years, Yantian District will build an ecological pattern of harmonious symbiosis of “mountain, forest, river, sea, and city”. Promote a series of greening and upgrading projects, strengthen the cultivation of ecological landscape forest belts, forest phase transformation and ecological forest construction, continue to improve the greenway network, and build a number of boutique parks with good landscape facilities, rich cultural connotations, and comprehensive service functions, such as Kariya. High-level landscape projects such as road greening, roof greening, and vertical greening have been built into the park area where the windows are seen green, the park enters the park, and the seasons bloom.

Yantian Comprehensive Stadium to be completed

In the next five years, Yantian will accelerate the standardization of street cultural and sports centers and community comprehensive cultural service centers, build a digital library of public culture, improve the functions of 24-hour urban street self-service libraries and smart libraries, and promote the in-depth reading activities for all people. Promote the development of traditional folk cultural platforms, and unearth the intangible cultural heritage of Shatoujiao fish lantern dance and the marriage custom of the Qiang family. Improve community sports facilities, build Yantian Comprehensive Gymnasium, Meisha Sports Rehabilitation Center, promote the sharing of sports resources among enterprises and institutions, schools, cultivate grassroots sports organizations such as community sports fitness clubs, carry out mountain and sea sports, and create a group of influential sports National fitness activity brand. (Reporter Zheng Chuangbin, Pan Feng and Chen Linjun)

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