STOCK CODE: 871946
Sep 23 2019

Weekly Review of Ship Trading (2019.09.11)

Weekly Review of Ship Trading Capesize prices plunge, prices of refined oil tankers rise slightly On September 11, the Shanghai Shipping Price Index released by the Shanghai Shipping Exchange was 828.50 points, a s

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Sep 19 2019

Guangxi promotes integrated development of Beiqin defense and builds seven hundred billion-dollar port industrial clusters

As one of the earliest open coastal areas in China, Beihai, Guangxi, Qinzhou, and Fangchenggang (hereinafter referred to as "Northern Qinfang") are the frontiers of ASEAN open cooperation and the most convenien

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Sep 17 2019

Performing port state supervision duties

Performing port state supervision duties According to the decision of the Asia-Pacific Port State Surveillance Memorandum Committee, from September 1 to November 30, the 27 members of the Paris Memorandum carried out a

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Sep 16 2019

Hand in hand with UAE ports, Guangzhou port increased to 51 friendly ports(China logistics)

In order to actively strengthen the strategic cooperation and expand the scope of port and shipping cooperation, on September 12, Guangzhou Port and the UAE Ras Haima Port signed a friendly port relationship agreement at

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Sep 11 2019

Russia's first fast container train has departed from Ufa to China(Sea shipping)

The Russian Railways Information Office issued news that the first fast container train has departed from Russia and Ufa to China.   According to the news: "Today's first fast container train has depart

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