STOCK CODE: 871946
Apr 18 2016

Recent calm in the shipping market

Guide: After experiencing the weird phenomenon of two-week low freight rates, except for the adjustment of freight rates in Shanghai and Qingdao ports, the market has basically returned to calm this week, and freight rat

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Apr 08 2016

How many container ships are on the market in 2016?

Guide: The global container ship capacity is expected to increase by only 4.6% in 2016, with only a small number of new ships and some new scrap ships. The container fleet in 2016 is destined to develop slowly. Alpha

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Apr 08 2016

Filling in customs declaration forms for import and export goods

Guide: Yesterday, the General Administration of Customs' "Announcement on Amending the" Publication Rules for the Customs Declaration of Import and Export Goods of the People's Republic of China "&

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Mar 24 2016

Maritime Silk Road Index Hits New Low

Guide: This week, the Ningbo Containerized Freight Index (NCFI) of the Maritime Silk Road Index released by the Ningbo Shipping Exchange closed at 281.9 points, down 5.0% from last week.freight quote from china This wee

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Mar 24 2016

Port of Los Angeles encounters busiest "February" in history, record throughput

Guide: In February 2016, the Port of Los Angeles handled a total of 713.721 million TEUs, an increase of 42% over last year. Last year, the port encountered a blockage during a dispute over contract negotiations between

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