STOCK CODE: 871946
Aug 08 2019

China has become the world's leading country for maritime connections(Shipping agent in China)

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), one of the permanent organs of the UN General Assembly, recently announced that the UNCTAD Liner Shipping Connectivity Index (LSCI) shows that China has be

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Aug 07 2019

Ranking of the world's top 100 container ports in 2019, these Chinese ports are shortlisted(China logistics)

A few days ago, the Lloyd's Daily published the latest list of the world's top 100 container ports in 2019. A total of 21 ports in mainland China were on the list, and a total of 6 ports in the top ten were on th

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Sep 02 2019

Weekly Report of China's Export Container Transport Market (2019.08.02)(China logistics)


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Aug 05 2019

From January to June 2019, my investment cooperation with countries along the “Belt and Road”(Sea shipping)

From January to June 2019, Chinese companies invested 6.8 billion US dollars in non-financial direct investment in 51 countries along the “Belt and Road”, down 8.1% year-on-year, accounting for 12.6% of the t

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Aug 05 2019

Coordinated innovation to promote the integration of ports and shipping in the Yangtze River Delta,Supply Chain in China

"In recent years, the work carried out by the Ministry of Transport in the integration of regional ports and the integration of ports and shipping in the Yangtze River Delta has been very effective." Qiu Dongya

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