STOCK CODE: 871946
Sep 05 2014

Customs clearance integration plan to be implemented nationwide next year

Introduction: The General Administration of Customs plans to push forward the integration of customs clearance throughout the country next year, and the actual implementation progress may be faster than the plan, which w

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Jul 26 2014

Ultra-large container ship order tide gradually stopped

It is reported that although the container shipping industry may face the problem of excess capacity in the next two years, there are signs that market demand in 2016 may catch up with the expected level of capacity. At

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Jul 26 2014

Ultra-large container ship order tide gradually stopped

Introduction: It is reported that although the container transportation industry may face the problem of excess capacity in the next two years, there are signs that market demand in 2016 may catch up with the expected le

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Jul 21 2014

The regular container line from Dashan Port in South Korea to Xiamen Port in China opens

Introduction: On June 27, the Ruishan City Government of Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea, reported that China New Haifeng Container Transport Co., Ltd. (SITC), which operates the China-Southeast Asia route, has added the

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